
    I Met Xiaomi’s Cyberdog 2: Here’s Everything You Need to Know

    Robotics today isn’t merely a theme of a sci-fi story; it’s our reality, evolving and taking shape right in front of us. Having kept a keen eye on the world of tech, I was naturally excited when I heard about the Xiaomi Cyberdog’s second iteration. Having seen the original Cyberdog, described by many as rather “ominous”, my curiosity was piqued about its successor. Would it be as mechanical? Or had Xiaomi upped the ante?

    I had my chance encounter with the Cyberdog 2 after Xiaomi’s big reveal. My initial impressions were immediate and clear – this was no longer just a robotic dog. Its sleek design, resembling a Doberman, gave it a more realistic appearance compared to its predecessor. It was fascinating to see the e-prism skin on it change color according to its mood. My thoughts? This is where technology meets art.

    I’d seen videos of its agility: backflipping, skateboarding, even playing fetch. But observing these firsthand is another experience altogether. The Cyberdog 2 seemed more interactive and responsive. It’s not every day that you see a robot playfully reacting to human emotions, wagging its tail when happy, or showcasing its mood through body language. This kind of intuitive interaction, blending technology with empathy, makes the Cyberdog 2 stand out from its counterparts.

    What caught my attention further was its ability to integrate seamlessly into our daily lives. While Xiaomi was clear that this robot isn’t designed to replace our beloved furry friends, the demonstration highlighted how a real dog and Cyberdog could co-exist. Its built-in camera function to monitor pets seemed like a thoughtful touch, showing that this wasn’t just a technological marvel but also a useful companion.

    But how does it stack up technically? Powering the Cyberdog 2 is a multi-brain system: the main brain operates with an NX processor, while the dual co-processors manage its secondary brains. With a combination of cameras, including a 13-megapixel AI one and two fisheye cameras, its vision seemed impeccable. And the tech doesn’t stop there; its ultrasonic, Lidar, and force sensors ensure its touch is gentle – gentle enough not to crush a tofu block!

    Being open-source is perhaps the cherry on top. Developers and enthusiasts, rejoice! With this open platform, the opportunities for customization and innovation seem boundless.

    In size, it’s more compact than its predecessor, making it feel less like a tech gadget and more like a pet. However, with advancements come higher costs. Priced at around $1,800, the Cyberdog 2 is a tad pricier than the first generation, but given its features, the price seems justified.

    In my interaction, the Cyberdog 2 felt like a blend of art, technology, and companionship. Xiaomi, with its ambitious project, offers a glimpse into a future where robotics not just assists us but also emotionally connects with us. As I left the venue, a thought lingered: In a world fast merging with tech, the line between real and robotic is blurring. And perhaps, that’s the beauty of our evolving reality.




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