
    Microsoft Empowers India’s 2 Million People Through AI

    By 2025, Microsoft hopes to have trained over 2 million people in artificial intelligence (AI) skills in India. The company’s Chairman and CEO, Satya Nadella, made this announcement. During Nadella’s yearly three-day tour to India, the revelation was made at the Microsoft CEO Connection event in Mumbai.

    Developing Indian Job Force

    With an emphasis on giving the workforce the know-how to engage in the field, Nadella emphasized the company’s dedication to providing over 2 million Indians with AI capabilities. Beyond skill development, the project hopes to promote job creation and improve the overall state of the economy.

    Karya’s Impactful AI Work

    The CEO of Microsoft emphasized the importance of this project by highlighting the notable work of AI company Karya, as per a report by media outlet Mint. Over 30,000 rural Indians are involved in the creation of high-quality datasets by Karya using voice, text, photos, and videos. The training of extensive language models that cover 12 Indian languages depends on these resources. Nadella applauded the practical application of AI, showing how it not only broadens people’s skill sets but also creates jobs in rural areas.

    In his speech, Nadella introduced the GenAI chatbot Jugalbandhi, which is intended to help the government. He investigated the ways in which Bhashini, a language translation tool, and Jugalbandhi could significantly improve the lives of rural Indians who speak vernacular languages.

    AI’s Role in India’s GDP

    Speaking from figures taken from the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Nadella stated that the government believes AI will be crucial to India reaching its lofty goal of having a $5 trillion GDP by 2025. A $500 billion portion of this economic expansion is predicted to come from advances in artificial intelligence.

    “With AI, now we have a new capability of making sense of digitalization, a new reasoning engine, which is the neural reasoning engine, which we can apply to an increasingly digitized world,” Nadella said. He went into further detail about how the confluence of a new user experience and neural reasoning engine is revolutionary, transforming the entire technology stack and ultimately impacting the GDP of the nation.

    Neural Reasoning AI Engine’s Impact

    Neural reasoning engine is a state-of-the-art artificial intelligence capability that allows for a more comprehensive and detailed knowledge of the digital environment. Nadella envisions a dramatic transformation of the technology industry through the combination of this sophisticated reasoning engine and a dynamic user interface.

    Microsoft’s strategic move is in line with the larger worldwide trend of funding AI education and training programs to equip workers for the demands of the digital age. The focus on developing AI skills is part of India’s efforts to establish itself as a major participant in the global technological scene. It also helps the nation to take advantage of the full potential of emerging technologies for long-term economic growth, in addition to meeting its immediate employment needs.

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    Swati Sengupta




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