
    The US Government Takes Action to Shield Against Quantum Computing Hacks

    Quantum computing has the potential to revolutionize the world of computers. This new type of computer uses the principles of quantum mechanics to perform calculations more rapidly, which makes it a game-changer in the world of computing. But with the increasing capabilities of quantum computing comes a new threat – the possibility of hackers accessing your data.

    Recently, President Biden signed a law that requires federal agencies to adopt technology that is protected from decryption by quantum computing. This is a sign that quantum computers are getting closer to becoming useful for both good and bad purposes. As Scott Bledsoe, the CEO of Theon Technology, explains, “Given that the most valuable commodity in the world today is now digital data and has been under attack since the dawn of computing, the introduction of quantum computing will escalate the threats of data loss, damage, exposure, and or theft exponentially.”

    According to Bryan Hornung, the CEO of Xact Cybersecurity, the main risk associated with quantum computing is the potential for quantum computers to break specific cryptographic algorithms that are currently used to protect data. Many algorithms used to protect communication and data storage are believed to be secure against attacks by classical computers, but they may not be protected against attacks by quantum computers. Hornung says that if quantum computers become powerful enough, they may be able to break these algorithms, which could allow hackers to access sensitive data.

    To combat these potential threats, researchers and organizations, including government agencies and private companies, are developing new cryptographic algorithms specifically designed to be secure against attacks by quantum computers. However, making software resistant to quantum computer hacks will be costly, warns Tim Morris, Chief Security Advisor at Tanium.

    Despite the potential dangers, experts say that quantum computers have a long way to go before they are capable of hacking data. Hornung says that “the risks associated with quantum computing with regard to user data are largely theoretical at this point, as quantum computers are still in the early stages of development, and it is not yet clear how powerful they will eventually become.” As such, while it’s important to be aware of the potential risks, there’s still time to prepare for the eventual arrival of quantum computers.

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    Ajinkya Nair




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