
    Brevo Review 2024: Key Features, Pricing, & Alternatives

    Our Brevo review will help you make up your mind if it suits your enterprise. In this article, we will deeply examine Brevo’s email marketing and CRM suite so as to provide you with actionable information for your business without the sales pitch.

    Key Features

    • Brevo is a comprehensive platform that supports email marketing, CRM, and automation with a user-friendly interface and tools designed for businesses of all sizes, particularly small to mid-sized companies.
    • In order to enhance your organization’s marketing strategy, Brevo has developed a broad range of customizable email templates, advanced segmentation along with automated workflows that enable personalized and timely communication between your organization and customers.
    • The platform offers competitive pricing based on the volume of emails sent, comes with integrations to major e-commerce tools, excellent customer support; grasps GDPR compliance for data security purposes and can be used in a myriad of industries

    Exploring Brevo’s Core Offerings

    Brevo, formerly Sendinblue, is not just any platform; it’s a platform that caters to businesses of all sizes, providing a suite of tools that are especially appealing to small to mid-sized companies. The platform’s offerings are as diverse as the businesses it serves. Some key features of Brevo:

    • Campaign management
    • Advanced segmentation
    • User-friendly email builder
    • Ability to send personalized messages

    The comprehensive email marketing service by Brevo covers all your requirements regarding email production.

    But there is more than just an email marketer in it. The CRM suite from Brevo includes not only various instruments aimed at helping you build lasting connections with your clients but also convenient user experience.

    Brevo has improved its user interface with changes as introduction of top menu along with visual builders etc., so that navigating through the website becomes effortless. However, what distinguishes this company from others is its personalized approach beyond the tool sets provided by it. These services encompass an entire business experience within themselves which is tailored towards all your needs.

    Initial Impressions: Navigating the Brevo Platform

    Getting started with Brevo is as easy as pie. Here’s how:

    • Sign up with an email or use your Google or Apple account.
    • Complete the quick verification process.
    • Once in, you will find a clean and intuitive user interface waiting to greet you.
    • The tabs for Campaigns, Automation, and Contacts are located conveniently on the left-hand side of your screen for easy navigation purposes.

    However, what makes Brevo unique is its wealth of assistance available for beginners. While setting up email templates and automations in general, Brevo never lets you wander off track, by providing hints or pop-ups, guiding you through every step of campaign creation.

    If you are an experienced marketer – don’t worry; if you are a newcomer who has just made first steps in email marketing – don’t worry either because Brevo has got something for everyone!

    Brevo’s Email Marketing Capabilities

    It’s worth discussing Brevo’s email marketing capabilities. The platform offers a user-friendly drag and drop editor that allows you to easily customize campaign layouts, even if you’re not technically inclined. With this kind of email marketing platform, you can be able to make any designs you want without much hassle and also manage them effectively through simple means.

    Furthermore, Brevo has 47 different email templates to choose from for your campaigns. How about that? Using attribute conditions, conditional content, dynamic lists and a new feature that automatically embeds brand-specific assets such as colors, logos and social media icons in your email campaigns, making your email campaigns personalized. It’s like having your own personal stylist for emails!

    Creating Effective Email Campaigns

    Brevo provides all the necessary tools needed to produce successful marketing campaigns through emails. It enables personalization by using contact attributes, conditional content, customized subject lines and preview text. In this way, it targets the campaign towards recipients more relevant to them.

    Brevo Email Campaign Interface

    You can set up an email campaign easily by picking the recipients and choosing the most suitable subject line, or design an email using Brevo’s Drag & Drop Editor or import custom HTML templates at will.

    Email Campaigns that Work

    However, crafting the perfect email isn’t enough; ensuring that it reaches its intended audience is just as crucial. To improve email deliverability rates, you have to purge out inactive recipients, manage hard bounces and filter email signups among them via measures like double opt-in processes so that you end up with an email list of high quality.

    Moreover, registration forms of Brevo provide advanced features including letting subscribers select their preference lists as well as enabling Captcha verification and opting for either single and double opt-in methods for optimum building of an email list.

    With Brevo, it is not just that you’re sending emails but also sending content that matters!

    Templates Diversity and Customization

    Brevo has taken customization of emails a notch higher by providing 47 templates; 42 pre-designed ones available free-of-charge. This vast range gives more options so that messages fit into particular marketing objectives. In addition, Brevo allows customization such as uploading color schemes and fonts to the brand library and branding emails through the ‘from’ name for consistency.

    Brevo Template Interface

    Nevertheless, free program restricts you to send 300 emails daily, and when a template is selected it will not be possible to change it without starting from scratch. Nevertheless, if you prefer coding, you can create your  own newsletter templates on Brevo. It’s all about giving you the freedom to create emails that resonate with your audience and reflect your brand’s unique voice.

    Automation Workflows

    Automation rules supreme in the email marketing kingdom of which Brevo is the undisputed monarch. This platform offers automated email marketing workflows facilitated by basic workflow templates accessible and editable within its simple system. This helps to drive sales, improve conversion rates as well as promote real time customer engagement.

    Brevo Automation Interface

    However, what sets apart automation workflows in Brevo are the customization choices available. By inserting fields directly into your content or using if-then-otherwise conditions, it is possible to personalize email “envelope” details and content while leveraging subscriber attributes for highly customized communication.

    Moreover, its robust workflow editor allows you to build campaigns that are triggered by different contact actions like web behavior or email engagement accompanied by enough conditions and actions for crafting personalized audience journeys.

    Prebuilt automation workflows cater to common marketing scenarios, making easy and effortless implementation of:

    • abandoned cart sequences
    • welcome messages
    • product purchase follow-ups
    • transactional activities

    Emails Deliverability and Performance

    In email marketing, what matters most is deliverability. Brevo assures the best email deliverability for e-commerce emails with actively managed SMTP servers, dedicating IPs for high-volume senders, and an expert deliverability team. To maintain good delivery rates, Brevo has features that exclude non-engaged contacts and differentiate validated contacts from flagged contacts and then appropriately filters these for campaign sends.

    Brevo Email Deliverability Interface

    Nevertheless, the intention is not just about dropping your messages; they should also perform well. Brevo suggests starting by sending small batches of emails to engaged addresses in order to build a sender’s reputation with Internet Service Providers.

    Additionally, there have been changes in deliverability rates for Brevo, indicating a need for continuous performance monitoring.

    Conversion tracking has been built into Brevo so that you can see which email campaigns are generating the most revenue and calculate your return on investment (ROI) when it comes to e-commerce email marketing. As such, with Brevo you do not just send emails but ensure their performance!

    The CRM Side of Brevo

    In its email marketing campaigns, Brevo provides you with CRM tools to create a deep relationship between you and your customers. The platform also comes with pre-defined segments like engaged email subscribers that helps in easing contact management.

    Brevo CRM

    Furthermore, you can segment contacts in greater detail as well as personalize emails due to the availability of custom contact attributes,  thus enhancing the way your organization communicates with its clients.

    What would a CRM be without automation, though? Brevo, however, allows you to set up custom automation workflows that streamline tasks such as new lead assignments to salespeople. Additionally, despite the fact that the free version can handle up to 50 open deals, the organizations needing more deals and numerous sales pipelines must upgrade to Pro.

    Brevo’s Approach to SMS Marketing

    Email marketing is not all that Brevo does. It also facilitates transactional emails and branded WhatsApp campaigns (the latter being recently introduced for all US customers). It allows images and longer messages up to 1,600 characters, giving you a few more ways of reaching out to your audience.

    Brevo SMS Marketing Interface

    SMS marketing platform in Brevo includes:

    • Personalization options available for tailoring campaigns based on brand requirements
    • You pay only for what you use with pay-as-you-go pricing
    • A cost-effective solution for your marketing needs
    • Pricing differs depending on message volumes and destinations with different rates per country

    All plans include SMS marketing campaigns and transactional email and SMS functionality, giving you more value compared to competitors’ tiered offerings. Besides, it enables you to send SMS easily at any time.

    Landing Pages and Lead Capture

    Landing pages play a critical role in the world of digital marketing as they drive specific visitor actions like subscribing, purchasing or downloading. This is the purpose for which Brevo designs its landing pages. Every marketing campaign should have a different landing page to ensure that conversion rates are boosted, thereby increasing the efficiency of your marketing efforts.

    Brevo Landing page Interface

    Still, it is not enough to create a landing page; it has to be effective. An effective landing page should:

    • Clearly define its goal
    • Possess a prominent call-to-action (CTA)
    • Offer a simple, intuitive navigation path for the visitor
    • Maintain consistency in design and content style across the entire marketing funnel, including the landing page, for visitor clarity and retention
    • Be rigorously tested to ensure it quickly loads and is free from content or loading errors

    With Brevo, you’re not merely creating landing pages; you’re generating conversion-driven landing pages!

    Integrations and Ecosystem

    One of the key strengths of Brevo is its ability to integrate with leading e-commerce platforms. This includes:

    • Shopify
    • WooCommerce
    • nopCommerce
    • Magento
    • Prestashop
    • Shopware
    • BigCommerce
    Brevo Integration Interface
    Courtesy Google Images

    Brevo, therefore, helps in linking all your marketing endeavors directly to e-commerce. Also, through personalization options in email campaigns and thorough tracking via Google Analytics, you can closely monitor campaign performance and easily change your strategy as required.

    However, it does not stop at 65 integrations. By expanding its integration list, Brevo aims at allowing enterprises to connect their favorite tools so as to streamline their digital marketing processes. Consequently, whether you run an online shop or operate a small scale enterprise, its comprehensive integrations and ever growing ecosystem have got you covered.

    Brevo’s Pricing Strategy

    Brevo designs its cost strategy to be flexible enough in order to meet different requirements of businesses engaged in email marketing. Its popularity across various industries and over half a million customers suggests how suitable it is for online ventures. Let us have a look:

    Brevo Pricing list

    For big organizations who need high levels of security, deeper integration and specialized assistance; there is a custom priced BrevoPlus plan. Moreover, you can add additional features in your Brevo plans thus making them more personalized.

    Brevo Custom Plan

    You are not just obtaining a platform with this company but you are getting one that suits your pocket!

    The Free Plan and Its Limitations

    Brevo’s free plan incorporates a complete set of tools required by businesses including customizable email templates, drag & drop editor, transactional emails, SMS & WhatsApp campaigns, unlimited contacts management among others. While this plan permits sending 300 emails every day, email automation is available for up to 2k contacts.

    However, what sets apart Brevo’s free account from other providers such as GetResponse is that it includes transactional emails while competitors charge for this feature as an add-on. So, if you are a small business looking forward to testing waters of email marketing, just use the free plan of Brevo.

    Advanced Features Unlocked with Brevo

    If you thought Brevo was all about email marketing and CRM, think again! Like:

    • Multiple user access, allowing different permission levels, enabling team collaboration hence improving the security features coupled with operational efficiency enhancement.
    • While up to 10 users can collaborate on Business Marketing platform, Pro Conversations, Sales Platform plans; additional users may be added in case one opts for the BrevoPlus plan.
    • However, on the free plan, there is only one user allowed, requiring an upgrade for multi-user collaboration level.

    However, these are just some advanced features of Brevo. Some key ones are:

    • It has pre-made segments which aid in better campaign management through advanced segmentation.
    • In depth campaign analysis allows you to perfect your marketing strategies and understand audience engagement in a better way.
    • Lead scoring rules which help automate the nurturing process and guide the prospects to a sale.

    These features make Brevo a powerful tool for your marketing efforts. So if you are looking for more than just basic functionality, then check out Brevo!

    Customer Support and Resources

    You will never lack assistance after choosing Brevo as your primary email marketing tool. The platform offers several support channels, including e-mail, live chat but the last two are solely for business and BrevoPlus plan clients. And this does not necessarily mean that only paid users benefit from great service. Even with the free pricing plan, you obtain responsive assistance which can’t be observed among rivals like Mailchimp.

    However, Brevo’s competitive advantage lies in:

    • 6 languages supported by multilingual customer support to fit a wider user base.
    • Option of calling support through a separate “Contact Us” page specially designed for those who do not have an account or cannot sign in.
    • Guaranteeing that all customer inquiries will be responded to within 24 hours so that no one is left hanging.

    Whether you are a seasoned marketer or new to the industry, there is always someone ready to help you through with Brevo’s customer support and resources.

    Comparing Brevo to Other Email Marketing Services

    How does Brevo fare against other email marketing services? Well, here is a detailed comparison:


    For $20 per month, Mailchimp takes an attractive starting point that is priced competitively with an emphasis on usability and a comprehensive marketing automation feature. It is highly rated for its user-friendly interface and comes with a versatile Customer Journey Builder. Mailchimp supports various marketing channels including emails, social media and pop-ups thereby making it suitable for businesses that want strong multi-channel marketing capabilities.


    HubSpot has been identified as one of the platforms with the most extensive all-in-one suite that includes marketing, sales, and CRM features. Starting at $18 per month, this platform may however be expensive to use by micro ventures. For example, while it provides robust automation tools as well as a free CRM system, HubSpot has many functionalities that could be difficult to get around resulting in a steep learning curve .

    Campaign Monitor

    Incepted from $9/month onwards; Campaign Monitor scouts mainly professional marketers with its advanced email marketing instruments like highest delivery rates and detailed analytics. However, unlike Brevo or Mailchimp, it falls short in terms of having broad marketing tools e.g., lack of a landing page builder that may limit its significance in comparison to alternative comprehensive platforms.


    Starting at $39 per month,  ActiveCampaign is known due to the tremendous power of its email automation tools offered by the company. Although there is no free plan provided by the company, it’s user-friendly build has been applauded so far as beginners face difficulties familiarizing themselves with such enormous features. The strength of ActiveCampaign lies in automating complex workflows which can be instrumental for companies seeking to improve their performance efficiency in advertising.

    Constant Contact

    From just $12 per month,  Constant Contact provides easy user experiences . This platform excels at seamlessly blending both email marketing and social media management into one seamless program. Some users have noted over time that some features are buried within its interface but this site still remains a popular choice for those who value the integration of email and social media within one platform.

    In summary, while Brevo is competitively priced and easy to use for basic marketing functions, platforms like Mailchimp and HubSpot offer more extensive features which may be beneficial depending on your specific business needs. Each platform has its strengths, so the best choice depends on your particular marketing requirements and budget constraints.

    Brevo’s Commitment to Compliance and Security

    In this era where data privacy and security mean everything, Brevo is  actually commendable since it shows commitment to GDPR compliance and user’s data rights. It enhances user rights and encourages consent for data usage. Its compliance to GDPR requirements includes features sucha as:

    • Unsubscription links in all emails
    • List-unsubscribe headers
    • Double opt-in procedures
    • Proof of consent records
    • Compulsory opt-in for every type of email communication.

    But it’s not only about being compliant; there is also an emphasis on security here. Some security measures employed include:

    • Multi-level firewall systems
    • Anti-virus software
    • Intrusion detection
    • Strong authentication procedures for system log-ins
    • Encryption of data in transit

    Additionally, the privacy policies of Brevo are regularly updated to ensure that they adhere to all legal requirements and you can access, rectify, limit or oppose personal data processing rights as per the transparency and control provisions of GDPR.

    Hence, with Brevo, you’re not just acquiring a platform; you’re choosing a platform you can trust!

    Success Stories: Real-world Applications of Brevo

    Brevo has helped businesses from various sectors with their solutions as well as offering automation and CRM tools. For example, AI Camp opted to use Brevo for managing its marketing engagements and sales pipelines resulting in annual savings amounting to $30 000 indicating that it is cost effective.

    Elum Designs, Workona, Pink Dolphin Clothing, Sjaak’s Organic Chocolates and Saints + Sinners are some companies that have used Brevo to create compelling newsletters, engaging on-boarding emails and timely campaigns strategy, leading to increased CTRs and better customer relations.

    But these aren’t isolated moments of triumph. Brevo is used by a diverse range of companies including:

    • Hi-Rez Studios for gaming marketing
    • Zinatt Technologies for law enforcement communication
    • SYSTM for startup growth strategies
    • The Recording Studio London for music production promotion
    • Yumpingo for restaurant customer experience analysis.

    Moreover non-profit organizations like Solidarités International, or entertainers Jam with Jamie (for children) and companies like Three Sheep & A Mill enhanced their fundraisin, events reminders, and product showcasing, thanks to focused emailing campaigns powered by Brevo’s solutions.

    So if your business ventures fall under small scale enterprise department, or multinationals organization category, or even non-governmental organizations, Brevo  will be relevant on the grounds that it has got a broad range of success stories related to its business/Enterprise plans!


    Brevo, which was formerly referred to as Sendinblue, has eventually transformed into a comprehensive platform that offers a powerful set of email marketing, CRM solutions and other marketing tools. Brevo is an excellent option for businesses of all sizes that need a solid and affordable email marketing solution due to its friendly user experience design, multiple offerings and commitment to compliance and security.

    Whether you are new to the field or are already an experienced marketer, Brevo comes with all the features that will suit your needs. It includes top-notch flexibility, support systems as well as many more other tools that would serve such purposes.

    So, why not give Brevo a try today and witness the evolution firsthand?


    Q: What is Brevo?

    A: Brevo is a cloud-based email marketing tool that offers automation features for market campaigns, transactional mails and SMS. It also allows you to create emails that can be responded to on mobile using design tools.

    Q; Is there any free version of Brevo available?

    A; Yes, there is a free plan which limits you to sending only 300 emails per day hence good enough for small-scale email needs.

    Q: Does Brevo make a good email marketing platform?

    A: Definitely! You need Brevo because it is an exceptional email marketing platform boasting of various aspects including A/B testing, automation in marketing and CRM that would meet your email marketing requirements appropriately.

    Q: Can my data be safe in case I choose to use Brevo CRM?

    A; Yes. Data security is very important at Brevo which is ensured through robust encryption technology and compliance with data protection laws.

    Q: Does Brevo CRM integrate with my existing business tools?

    A: To Incorporate Brevo into your workflow, you can connect brevo with dozens of applications such as email providers, social media, cloud storage and e-commerce platforms.

    Q: Do I have the capability of customizing reports in Brevo?

    A: Yes. Brevo CRM is characterized by its customizable reporting feature that enables you to generate detailed insights about your marketing campaigns and customer data.

    Q: Is Brevo scalable?

    A: Certainly yes. They offer scalable pricing plans for all stages of businesses with an upgrade as you grow easily through different levels.

    Q: How easy it is to import data into Brevo CRM?

    A: It has user-friendly import tools specifically designed for smooth data migration from other systems or spreadsheets when adding information into Brevo’s system.

    Q: Can marketing campaigns be automated in Brevo CRM?

    A: Definitely! This advanced feature allows you to build, track and optimize campaigns easily saving you time and increasing your revenue stream among others benefits attached thereto if used correctly.

    Q: Does it do A/B testing?

    A: Yes, A/B testing is one component of the Brevo marketing tool set that can aid in the fine tuning of your email campaigns for better results.

    Q: Where to find user guides or documentation for the Brevo CRM program?

    A: In order to help you leverage the CRM platform, Brevo’s website has a wide-ranging knowledge base alongside user guides and documentation.




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