Apple has launched the second generation of its smart speaker, HomePod. The tech giant first launched the smart speakers in 2018, however, it discontinued them in 2021. The latest HomePod looks similar to its predecessor, but it comes with a new processor and smart home capabilities including temperature and humidity sensors and much more.
Apple’s new smart speaker comes with an S7 chip, the same chip that powered the Apple Watch Series 7. It is combined with software and system-sensing technology to offer advanced computational audio, which makes the new one better than its first-gen in many ways.
Talking about the physical features, the HomePod showcases a similar cylindrical design to its predecessor. But it has become lighter and a bit shorter. It has a transparent mesh fabric and a backlit touch surface that illuminates from edge to edge.
HomePod comes with room sensing technology, using which it recognizes sound reflections from nearby surfaces to determine if it is against a wall and then adapts sound in real-time. It also features ‘Find My’ that allows you to locate Apple devices, like an iPhone, by playing a sound on the misplaced device. That smart speaker can measure the indoor environment. You can also create automation like turning on the fan automatically when a certain temperature is reached in a room.
Apple claims that the new HomePod sports a new Sound Recognition feature that detects smoke and carbon monoxide alarm sounds and notifies users. However, this feature will be available after a software update, later this year.
The HomePod comes is available in two colors: starlight and midnight. The speakers are priced at Rs 32,900 and will be available from February 3.