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WhatsApp Introduces QR Code-Based Method for Faster Chat Transfer Between Phones


WhatsApp has unveiled a new QR code-based method to facilitate the seamless transfer of chat history from one phone to another. With the help of the new feature, users can switch to a new phone with the same operating system to transfer their WhatsApp data using a local Wi-Fi connection. This method offers a faster and more secure alternative to using unofficial third-party apps or cloud services for chat transfer.

To initiate the chat transfer process, users need to ensure that both their old and new phones are turned on and connected to the same Wi-Fi network. After opening WhatsApp on the old device, users can navigate to Settings > Chats > Chat transfer. They will then be prompted to scan a QR code displayed on the new phone to complete the transfer process. This local transfer method ensures that the data is encrypted and only shared between the two devices over the local network, enhancing security and privacy.

Previously, WhatsApp relied on cloud backups to transfer data between devices with the same operating system. However, the new QR code-based method eliminates the need for cloud backups and allows for the swift transfer of large media files and attachments. While WhatsApp does support iOS to Android and Android to iOS migration, these methods involve more steps compared to the simple QR code scanning process.

WhatsApp has recently introduced a multi-device feature that enables users to use a single account across multiple devices, including phones. This feature has expanded the flexibility and convenience of using WhatsApp across various devices.

WhatsApp has already started rolling out the QR code chat transfer support to its users, allowing them to seamlessly migrate their chats from one device to another. This new feature will be particularly beneficial for WhatsApp users who are switching from an old phone to a new one, offering a quick and secure method to transfer their accounts.

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