
    Freshteam Review 2024: Key Features, Pricing, Pros & Cons

    Are you a small business owner or startup who’s struggling to manage your human resource department? Investing in smart HR software can be a game-changer! And when it comes to dynamic HR tech, Freshteam is the leader of the pack.

    But, how do you know if Freshteam is the right fit for your business? That’s where we come in! In this extensive review, we’ll take an in-depth look at Freshteam from all angles. We’ll explore its features, UI design, performance & reliability, integration capabilities, scalability options, and security concerns. And, we’ll give you an honest assessment of customer support offered by Freshworks Ltd., pricing models available, and user reviews collected from various sources.

    So, if you’re looking for tips on how to optimize your recruitment process or just lost among the many systems designed for small companies, keep reading! We’ve got you covered.

    What is Freshteam?

    Freshteam is a smart HR software solution created by Freshworks for small businesses and growing firms. It claims to transform the way companies hire new employees, onboard them onto their systems, and time-off management, offboarding, and more — all done within a single app! With a friendly UI and tons of features, this system positions itself as a must-have tool for any organization serious about scaling up fast but without sacrificing employee satisfaction levels along the way.

    Key Features

    Comprehensive Applicant Tracking System (ATS)

    Freshteam Applicant Tracking

    The ATS offered by Freshteam has been designed not only to simplify sourcing candidates but also to streamline the entire hiring process right from the job posting until the final selection phase. You are allowed to pull potential recruits from various channels such as social media sites like Facebook, Linked, Twitter etc., besides traditional job boards. This results in widening the talent pool further. These ATSs can screen resumes automatically based on given criteria, saving time for recruiters who would otherwise have done that manually. They also manage candidate communication efficiently.

    Simplified Employee Onboarding

    Freshteam Employee Onboarding

    The onboarding module on Freshteam does more than just complete administrative tasks. It ensures that new employees are welcomed and ready to start their new roles. This can be done by creating customized checklists for each employee being onboarded, assigning such departmental tasks to respective departments as well as availing all necessary resources and documenting them through self-service portals. Digitalizing this process saves time and also boosts workers’ engagement from the very first day.

    Time Off Management

    Freshteam Timme off management

    Freshteam recognizes that managing leave requests and time off policies can be quite challenging without proper systems in place. That’s why they have designed a powerful feature for time-off management which enables easy handling of such matters by both staff members themselves as well as their supervisors or managers. Staff can apply for leaves directly via the platform while team leads can approve or reject these applications at a single glance. They also get access to team availability overview and leave balance history while planning resources around, making everything fair, transparent, and planned.

    Employee Information System

    Freshteam Employee Information System

    Freshteam acts as a central database where complete information about an individual employee is stored securely. This acts as one source of truth regarding personnel matters within any given organization. The system allows HR professionals to store various categories of personal data and work-life-related details under different modules which can be accessed and updated easily whenever required.

    Performance Management

    Freshteam Performance Management

    While Freshteam is primarily known for its Human Resource functions, performance management is not neglected either as it plays a big role in shaping employees’ growth and development within any given organization. The system supports continuous feedback provision throughout the year and other things like goal setting, and employee or team appraisals. All of these are meant to ensure that managers stay focused on what they want to achieve together with their teams, fostering a culture of high performance & continuous improvement in the organization.

    Customized Reports and Analytics

    Freshteam Report and Analytics

    If you want your business to grow, you must base your decisions on data. Reports and analytics can be customized within Freshteam to provide HR professionals with insights into hiring metrics, employee turnover rates as well as time-off trends among others. By identifying patterns through analytics, you can make informed decisions, improving efficiencies in different HR processes.


    Freshteam seamlessly integrates with various software or tools such as email clients, productivity apps, payroll systems etc. In other words, it does not disrupt workflow but rather fits well into an organization’s existing ecosystem by enhancing its utility through these integrations.

    The features present in Freshteam are meant to address the needs of small businesses, making it a comprehensive solution for HR functions which streamline administrative tasks and improve recruitment processes while at the same time enhancing employee engagement.

    User Interface (UI) & User Experience (UX)

    In this section, we will look at various UI/UX aspects offered by Freshteam to give you an idea of how easy or hard it might be, depending on your level of skills when using the application.

    Easy UI

    Navigating around the UI of Freshteam is pretty straightforward, thanks to its user-friendly design philosophy that puts simplicity first. It has a clean interface which makes it possible for even those who lack any technical background knowledge about computers to use them effectively and still achieve good results. All necessary features are provided at the right places where they supposedly appear according to the logical flow intended by the programmers who developed this product.

    Simple Navigation

    Another area where Freshteam impresses most people who use it for the first time is the simple design navigation bar located at the top side application window screen. This menu contains buttons labelled recruitment, onboarding, time-off management, performance evaluations etc., which serve as shortcuts taking you directly into those specific sections. This saves time during busy periods when there are lots of things to do simultaneously but is limited only by the number of fingers on a hand.

    Responsive Style

    The design of Freshteam is responsive, which means that it can be used on any device and will adapt to fit different screen sizes and resolutions. Whether you are using a desktop computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone — the experience remains consistent and functional throughout all devices. This ability is essential for HR professionals who need access while traveling as well as employees themselves.

    Engaging User Experience

    Every step is taken into consideration when designing an engaging user experience within Freshteam’s UX. From being guided through processes during onboarding to interactive elements such as dragging & dropping data fields into order or columns for organizational purposes — everything about this platform is designed to make HR tasks less of a chore and more productive. A visual cue like colours changing according to alerts or progress bars filling up makes information easily digestible!

    Help & Support Integration

    No one wants to feel helpless when using software, and with Freshteam they never have to! Help is always at hand because support options are built right in. It could be searching through wide-ranging knowledge bases; chatting live with agents via chat support or finding contextual help within specific modules. Wherever you get stuck, there’s guidance waiting alongside them. until success.

    To sum up; Freshteam went above and beyond making sure that their user interface (UI) not only looked great but was also very efficient & easy! They did this by creating clean intuitive designs which were responsive and also included lots of interactive features, making it easier for businesses looking forward to furthering their HR processes without having complicated software involved.

    Performance & Reliability

    In terms of performance/reliability, Freshteam comes out strong because these two areas form the basis upon why most small enterprises as well as large ones love this product. The architecture and infrastructure on which Freshteam is built ensure the smooth running of operations that rely heavily on HR departments for their daily functions.

    Here are some areas that contribute towards its performance:

    High up-time & availability

    This software ensures high up-time so it won’t let you down when needed most. It has been designed in such a way that even if one server goes down another can automatically take over, ensuring no single-point failure happens within the system at any given time. As a result, Freshteam boasts an impressive record for being available throughout. This makes sure HR managers always have access to employees’ information, recruitment modules, and performance data that they need whenever required.


    As organizations expand, so do their HR requirements. Freshteam can handle more data and users as it grows without sacrificing performance through its scalable framework. This growth is managed naturally, permitting companies to enlarge their staff with the confidence that their HR system will be able to keep up.

    Security and Data Protection

    Performance entails more than speed and uptime; it also covers the protection and reliability of information. To secure sensitive employee records, Freshteam employs advanced security measures such as encryption, secure access controls, and regular security audits. The organization respects global privacy laws like GDPR, ensuring the safe handling of personal user data.

    Speed and Responsiveness

    Freshteam’s quick response time indicates a well-designed platform that has been optimized throughout its infrastructure for speediness. It takes only a few seconds for pages to load and actions (e.g., running reports or updating employee records) are executed without any noticeable lag. This increases efficiency in carrying out HR tasks, reducing idle moments waiting for software feedback.

    Continuous Monitoring and Improvement

    What makes Freshteam exceptional is its continuous monitoring culture where they keep track of how reliable or otherwise their service might appear at any given time by constantly checking on ways to enhance it even further. When performance parameters are measured in real-time against set standards, potential problems can easily be identified before affecting the end-users and rectified promptly thereafter. Such initiative guarantees dependability because the developers strive to make sure everything functions optimally while aiming at nothing less than perfection.

    Indeed, among other things, what stands out about Freshteam is the fact that it never gets tired of seeking excellence through frequent evaluation and upgrade exercises aimed at fine-tuning different aspects related to both it’s functioning as well as delivery capabilities. In general, this small business-oriented HRMS software boasts high availability rates backed up by extensive scalability features coupled with robust security protocols designed to safeguard sensitive users’ records throughout their stay within the system.


    Interoperability is one key area where Freshteam’s capabilities shine brightest. This helps to enhance functionality by connecting various business tools/services seamlessly, fostering better collaboration among different units involved. Below is an overview of some areas where Freshteam integration prowess stands out:

    Smooth Integration With Productivity Tools

    Seamless integration is achieved between Freshteam and different productivity tools like Google Workspace or Microsoft Office 365. With such integrations, you can perform your HR functions while working on your email, calendar or document storage systems without having to switch back and forth between platforms. For example, you can schedule an interview directly from Freshteam which will sync with Google Calendar, making the recruitment process simpler and more streamlined.

    Better Communication through Third-party Platforms

    Integration with popular communication channels such as Slack/Microsoft Teams ensures effective communication within the HR department. Notifications about HR activities are sent via these channels so that all team members get updated even if they are not currently active in Freshteam, saving time as they can continue with what they were doing without having to switch applications to get an update on HR management activities.

    Financial/Payroll System Integration

    Freshteam recognizes the need for linking up payroll processes with other financial modules within organizations. This is done by partnering with leading payroll service providers which allows a smooth transition from the recruitment phase into the actual payment stage, reducing administrative workload as well as eliminating errors arising out of manual data entry procedures during this critical transitional period.

    Recruitment and Candidate Sourcing Tools

    Freshteam has integrated with various recruitment tools, job posting sites, and candidate sourcing platforms to streamline the hiring process. For example, Freshteam can be connected to LinkedIn or Indeed so that HR teams can post job openings directly from Freshteam onto those websites. Additionally, this feature allows candidates’ profiles to be seamlessly imported into Freshteam, making it easier for employers to screen and select potential employees.

    Custom API Integrations for Your Business Needs

    In recognition of businesses having different integration requirements sometimes, Freshteam offers custom API integration capabilities. Businesses can therefore create their unique connections between Freshteam and other tools/systems used by them to meet any of their particular needs when using this software. With the help of its API (Application Programming Interface), Freshteam can integrate with internal systems customized by customers themselves as well as CRM platforms; thus providing a fully integrated HR management experience.

    In essence, what sets Freshteam apart from other HR platforms is its wide range of integration options which go beyond the basic functions necessary for managing personnel within an organization. This system supports connection with productivity apps like those found in G-suite such as Gmail or Google Docs; communication tools like Slack or Microsoft Teams; financial software such as Quickbooks Online or Xero etc. The ability to seamlessly connect different applications within a single interface greatly simplifies things for everyone involved hence saving time while enhancing overall efficiency at the workplace.

    Customisation And Scalability

    Flexibility to Customize

    The platform was developed with customization in mind which makes it possible for companies to align features according to their business requirements best suited to operational needs. This is especially important for organizations which are still growing because they need HR management software that can scale up as their workforce expands. For instance, corporations may opt to have specific workflows during the recruitment process or personalized onboarding procedures. Therefore, this level of flexibility ensures support for future changes within an enterprise while still maintaining present operations.


    Freshteam’s scalability enables it to accommodate businesses regardless of size at any given moment; whether small start-ups experiencing rapid growth or large enterprises seeking efficiency gains within HR processes — Freshteam has got them covered. Its pricing plans are quite variable depending upon the number of employees involved, making it suitable even for those companies having many workers. Also being cloud-based helps a lot since it provides collaboration even while working remotely.

    Advanced Customization through Developer APIs

    Freshteam provides advanced configuration options using its developer APIs for businesses with unique requirements. Consequently, this permits organizations to build custom integrations and functionalities beyond what is available off-the-shelf. By so doing, companies can either connect their existing systems with Freshteam or create new applications that will further improve their HR processes. The ability to do these things shows the flexibility of Freshteam as an HR management system.

    Ensuring a Smooth Experience During Growth

    Freshteam is committed to ensuring that you have a seamless experience while operating at any scale. In this regard, it continuously works on enhancing performance across the board so that systems remain responsive when needed most during business growth phases. Moreover, it ensures that there are adequate resources in place together with strong support mechanisms. This enables the organizations to confidently scale up their HR operations, knowing very well that their software will not fail them when needed most.

    To sum up, customization and scalability are key selling points of Freshteam as a complete HR management solution. It stands out from other systems by giving businesses tools necessary for tailoring experiences and also allowing platforms to grow alongside business needs. This makes Freshteam versatile while remaining a reliable choice for any company looking forward towards streamlining its HR processes.

    Security Features

    Complete Data Protection

    For safety reasons, data protection features must be comprehensive. This is why Freshteam has them in place at all levels within the system. This is achieved by putting robust encryption mechanisms both at rest and in transit which prevents any unauthorized person from accessing sensitive information. It goes ahead to allow only authorized persons who may need to retrieve or modify data through strong access controls, heightening security around your records.

    Compliance with Global Regulations

    Freshteam recognizes the importance of compliance within today’s global workforce and hence designed itself around major regulatory frameworks such as GDPR, HIPAA, and SOC2 among others. This ensures that businesses not only avoid legal problems but also gain trust from their employees who know that their employer values privacy and safety of personal data.

    Frequent Security Audits and Updates

    Freshteam undertakes regular security audits coupled with timely system updates to counter emerging cyber threats and vulnerabilities. In addition to this, it continuously assesses its environment against possible attacks. This ensures that maximum protection levels are maintained throughout the year. Moreover, these assessments also help in keeping pace with the latest ransomware strains or any other form of online attack which may put the company’s HR records at risk.

    Secure Access Features

    Added by Freshteam are two-factor authentication (2FA) and single sign-on (SSO) capabilities which add a layer of security while accessing the platform. These steps prevent unauthorized access and safeguard against phishing attacks thereby securing all HR functions that require privacy.

    Monitoring User Activities and Alerts

    To ensure accountability, this system has been integrated with a feature that monitors user activities as well as sends real-time notifications on any suspicious attempt. By doing so, it becomes easy for organizations to discover breaches in their security systems which in turn reduces chances of losing information or having it exposed.

    In short, Freshteam’s commitment to safety can be seen through its wide range of tools meant for protecting private data, meeting worldwide regulations and creating a safe HR management environment. Regular updates coupled with frequent evaluations guarantee maximum protection over records, enabling companies to handle their human resource needs confidently on this secure database solution.

    Advantages and Disadvantages


    Customization and Flexibility: Businesses have the freedom to tailor this platform according to their requirements. It offers custom workflows which allow firms to make unique onboardings for different departments or roles, also enabling them to modify features as per company growth.

    Scalability: Its scalability feature makes sure that even the smallest business can benefit from Freshteam software. This is made possible by flexible pricing models adopted by Freshteam which adjusts itself based on the client’s needs, guaranteeing responsiveness regardless of the company’s size.

    Advanced Customization through Developer APIs: The availability of developer APIs allows for extensive customization and integration into current systems which allows businesses to enhance their HR processes in unique ways.

    Thorough Security Abilities: As well as various other features, Freshteam utilizes advanced encryption methods, access controls, compliance with global regulations such as GDPR or HIPAA, regular security patches and updates plus 2FA (two-factor authentication) and SSO (single sign-on) options to create safe environments for human resources management.

    Worldwide Regulatory Compliance: By following rules like SOC 2 compliance measures, this system ensures protection against legal troubles while creating trust through high privacy standards for sensitive data storage and transmission worldwide.

    Continuous Performance Improvement: With constant improvements being made by the developers throughout every stage; Freshteam guarantees seamless experience even during periods when growth is rapid coupled with strong support from businesses themselves at such times.


    Potential Complexity: Some people without adequate instruction or support may not be able to navigate easily around Freshteam due to its complexity arising out of extensive customization as well as advanced functionalities.

    Cost Considerations for Small Business: Freshteam provides solutions that can scale up but considering the cost, especially on features and API customization for small businesses or startups operating under tight budgets it may not work best.

    Dependency on Technical Expertise: Not all organizations have enough technical knowledge within their teams hence there could arise challenges when trying to maximize potentialities coming along with utilizing developer APIs for advanced customizations within Freshteam. This will necessitate either more staff members with required skill sets internally or engaging outside consultants so as to achieve desired results.

    Implementation Time: The process of customizing Freshteams’ integration with existing systems might prove time-consuming, slowing down the full adoption and realization of benefits provided by such a system.

    Overwhelming Features for Simpler Needs: Some small enterprises or those having straightforward HR procedures could find some features in Freshteam too complex, leading to underutilization.

    Customer Support and Resources

    Freshteam acknowledges that responsive, efficient customer support is one of the key factors for successful implementation and continued use of its HR Management platform. This is why the company has established a wide-ranging system of support which can cater for different kinds of users.

    24/7 Customer Support

    It can be hard to deal with an issue immediately due to time zone differences but Freshteam provides around-the-clock customer support to ensure that businesses can address any issues as they arise. This support can be accessed through various channels including live chat, email or phone calls, allowing you to choose what suits you best.

    Online Knowledge Base

    Some people would rather not wait for assistance but instead find it themselves. This is where self-service resources come in handy. With that in mind, Freshteam offers a vast online knowledge base with helpful articles, guides and FAQs touching on almost every aspect, ranging from basic navigation through complicated functions down to troubleshooting tips. Updates are done frequently to keep up with new features and industry standards.

    Training Webinars and Workshops

    Freshteam appreciates the need for proper utilization of their platform. Hence they conduct regular training webinars as well as workshops which are meant to achieve this objective. These sessions aim at getting new users started on the platform while also enabling existing ones to learn more about advanced features. Experts from Freshteam facilitate these educative events which cover both foundational knowledge areas and specific skills relating to certain functionalities.

    Dedicated Account Management

    Large organizations require special attention when it comes to managing human resources at scale. Therefore, Freshteam has dedicated account management services for enterprise-level customers. A personal touch is given so that each client gets exactly what they need in terms of assistance towards effective HR management within their organization structure. One person acts as the point contact person throughout all inquiries. This provides strategic advice wherever necessary besides streamlining processes such as recruitment or performance appraisal among others.

    Community Forums

    A vibrant community forum is also hosted by Freshteam where you can interact with peers, share insights and discuss best practices. It acts as a platform for exchanging ideas, seeking advice or giving feedback on anything related to the use of Freshteam. This space is moderated by professionals who have vast experience in HR management. Thus, they contribute with expert knowledge while also fostering healthy debates among members.

    In a nutshell, Freshteam ensures the availability of resources and commitment towards customer support through a multi-channel support system; comprehensive self-help resource library; educational programs; personalized account managers and engaged communities. All these are geared towards increasing satisfaction levels amongst users so that enterprises may fully exploit the potentiality offered by this software in managing their human capital effectively.


    Freshteam has different pricing plans including a free version which is suitable for small teams. The plans are flexible enough to accommodate businesses of various sizes while at the same time offering them desirable capabilities. Have a look:

    Freshteam Pricing


    For a company searching for HR management solutions that align with its needs, budget and technical capacity, it is important to explore other options besides Freshteam. In this article, we highlight some of the most notable alternatives which have different features as well as being suitable for various business requirements.


    The user-friendly interface and all-around capabilities are what make BambooHR unique. Additionally, it has strong self-service capabilities. It also comes with mobile app accessibility, enabling remote HR management.

    Small businesses might find pricing an issue because they pay more for features or integrations due to BambooHR’s pricing structure. Moreover, there could be a lack of customization levels required by certain companies concerning their HR processes.


    A cloud-based larger-data-hosting system which accommodates complex organizational structures riddled with huge amounts of employee data easily is what characterizes Workday. It seamlessly integrates finance planning with others, providing an excellent choice for multinational enterprises having a global presence.

    Being complicated often means that longer implementation periods are needed together with more extensive training for people. Since not every company requires a full suite, the offered cost also becomes another challenge especially when dealing with smaller organizations.


    Gusto stands out mostly because of its payroll services even though it has many other tools designed specifically for small-to-medium scale enterprises’ HR needs too. Some reasons why businesses go for it include intuitive user interface design and automated functionality regarding payment processing.

    Compared with advanced platforms such as Freshteam, some may argue that Gusto does not offer robustness or customization possibilities around these payroll functionalities.

    Zoho People

    Zoho People is among the cheapest options available out there targeting small and medium-sized businesses with integration capabilities among applications within the larger ecosystem of Zoho. It supports flexible leave management, time tracking performance reviews etc., having a user-friendly interface making it easy to navigate through all these features.

    Scaling up might not be possible using this system if an organization becomes big enough to have complex requirements about managing human resources at higher levels.

    When selecting another solution apart from Freshteam, enterprises should evaluate their specific needs taking into consideration budget constraints and complexity tolerance levels.


    Freshteam is an attractive choice for startups and expanding businesses alike. Its intuitive design, wide range of functions, and great customer service position it as a strong player in the HR software market. It can significantly optimize your business’ performance by facilitating recruitment and managing employee lifecycle effectively among other things. That said, ensure you evaluate your business requirements well and think through how pricing will work for you before jumping in with both feet.


    Q: What is Freshteam?

    A: Freshteam HR software is a cloud-based package that combines various tools to streamline HR management. It encompasses solutions for recruiting, onboarding, time off tracking, and performance appraisal.

    Q: Is it possible to connect Freshteam with other applications?

    A: Sure. Freshteam provides integrations with different platforms and tools such as Google Workspace, Microsoft Office 365 and Zoom among others which are meant to simplify daily operations.

    Q: Can I trust Freshteam with my data?

    A: Yes, Freshteam has strong data security standards including encryption methods and other safety measures that ensure all sensitive information is protected from unauthorized access or misuse.

    Q: What kind of customer support does Freshteam provide?

    A: About customer support, Freshteam offers comprehensive assistance through e-mail communication channels as well as phone calls. Besides, there is an extensive knowledge base which you can use whenever you need self-help materials.

    Q: Can this system grow with my business?

    A: Yes. The system is developed in such a way that it can be easily scaled up or down depending on company requirements without losing any features along the way.

    Q: How easy is it to use Freshteam?

    A: Freshteam has been designed with simplicity in mind; therefore novices will find it quite intuitive even without much training.

    Q: What is the biggest advantage of using Freashteam’s ATS (Applicant Tracking System)?

    A: The main benefit associated with adopting this recruitment tool is that it streamlines hiring processes making them more organized and efficient especially when dealing with large numbers of applicants. Therefore, recruiters can track candidates and easily communicate with them throughout the entire process as well as evaluate their performance during interviews or tests.

    Q: What does Freshteam offer for employee onboarding?

    A: Freshteam offers an onboarding module which provides automation capabilities like document signing and system setup that help employees settle into their roles faster, reducing administrative workload for HR staff.

    Q: Can I manage my remote workforce through Freshteam?

    A: Yes, Freshteam comes equipped with features meant specifically for managing staff working from different locations such as time off management tools, performance evaluation modules and communication channels among others.

    Q: What resources are available for new users who need assistance getting started with Freshteam’s products?

    A: There are many resources available including blog posts, webinars, guides etc. These materials have been tailored towards various levels of expertise, enabling individuals to fully exploit the functionalities offered within each package





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